May 06, 2024 09:15 pm
Why Many Are Turning to Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Goodall Family Dentistry

Going to the dentist is difficult for many. It can cause some stress and anxiety in many patients. This is especially true of kids. One of the great treatment options to aid in the overall comfort of your dental appointment is nitrous oxide sedation. Nitrous oxide sedation is also known as laughing gas. This beneficial gas will help to calm and ease you during your appointment. You will be awake, but you will feel calm and less anxious. Some of the reasons many are turning to nitrous oxide sedation are:

Easy – Nitrous oxide sedation is really simple and easy. The gas is administered through a mask, so there is no need to take a pill or have an IV. The only hitch to this type of sedation is that you will need to have someone drive you home after your appointment.

Wears Off Quickly – The effects of nitrous oxide sedation will quickly wear off after the mask is removed. This means that you will be feeling back to yourself shortly after your dental procedure and will be able to drive home safely.

All Ages – Nitrous oxide sedation is safe for all ages. From the youngest to the oldest of patients, this sedation method is safe and effective.

No More Dental Anxiety – This is the perfect solution for patients who have dental anxiety. You no longer need to put off your next checkup and cleaning. You can have healthy and pain=free teeth with nitrous oxide sedation.

If you are ready to make your appointment using nitrous oxide sedation, give us a call at Goodall Family Dentistry today.

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